Vitamin B12 Injections
Vitamin B12 is one of the water soluble vitamins available as an intramuscular injection called hydroxocobalamin. Vitamin B12 is used to help our body use fat and carbohydrate for energy and also helps to make protein and DNA. It is essential for blood, nerve and neurological function. Vitamin B12 is only found in animal products such as egg, fish, Liver, meat and dairy products.
Low levels of B12 are linked to Osteoporosis, poor brain function and depression.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can be caused by pernicious anaemia, digestive problems, medications, poor diet and a vegetarian/vegan diet.
Symptoms of B12 deficiency include tiredness, depression, poor memory, pins and needles and mouth ulcers.
Hydroxocobalamin is recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and is the only licensed form of B12 for use in the UK. It works from the time it is injected, but it can take days or weeks to feel the full benefits.
Treatments are available at The Beauty Spot at The Courtyard one Wednesday a month from 9:00am until 9:00pm. Please call 01256 363417 to book an appointment.
You cannot have B12 injection if you have low Potassium levels, kidney problems, take medicine for your heart or have a blood disorder. Also, not to be given if you have iron or folic acid deficiency.